Tuesday, January 24, 2017

UNIT 1: business cycle & price ceiling/floor

  • Equilibrium- is the point at which the supply curve & demand curve intersect:

  • excess demand- when quantity demand is greater than quality supplied. results in shortage.
  • shortage- consumers cannot get enough of the quantities they desire.
  • price ceiling- creates a shortage. occurs when the government puts a legal limit on how high the price of a product can be.

  • excess supply- supply is greater than demand
  • price floor- lowest legal price something can be sold for. prevents prices from becoming too low. 
  • business cycle:
    • 1 cycle is from trough to trough
    • average cycle is 5-7 years
    • recessions last about 14 months
    • peaks and troughs are meaningless because we usually don't notice until it's over 
    • trough is the end of a recession
    • if the recession takes more than 10 of the CPP, than it is a depression

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