Tuesday, January 24, 2017

UNIT 1: all about the PPC

The 3 points within a ppc

  • points A and B are attainable and efficient
  • point D is attainable and inefficient. this can be caused by: under utilization, unemployment, recession, war, famine, etc 
  • point C is unattainable using current resources. technology and economic growth can make this attainable. 
Three types of movements on the ppg: 

shifts of the ppc

along the ppc

inside the ppc

What are the four key assumptions? 
1.     can only produce 2 goods at once
2.     full employment 
3.     fixed resources 
4.     fixed technology 
law of increasing opportunity cost- when the resources are shifted from making one good or service to another; the cost of producing a second item increases. 

what are the two types of efficiency?
1.     productive- products are being produced in the least costly way; this is any point on the ppc
2.     allocative-the products being produced are the ones most desired by society; this optimal point on the ppc depends on the desires of the society 

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