Sunday, February 12, 2017

nominal or real GDP?

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nominal GDP: 

  • value of output produced in current prices
  • price X quantity 
  • can increase from year to year if either output or prices increase 
real GDP: 

  • Value of output produced in constant based year prices
  • base price X current quantity
  • Can increase from year to year if only output increases
  • Adjusted for inflation
Image result for example of real gdp and nominal gdp

  • In the base year the current price will always be equal to the constant price
  • In years after the base year, nominal GDP will exceed real GDP
  • In years before the base year, real GDP will exceed nominal GDP
  • The base year is always the earliest year
  • GDP deflator- Price index used to adjust from nominal to real GDP (100 X nominal GDP/real GDP) 
  • In the base year, GDP deflator will always equal 100. 
  • For years after the base year, GDP deflator or will be greater than 100 
  • Four years before the base year GDP deflator will be less than 100 
  • Consumer price index (CPI)- measures inflation by tracking changes in the price of a market basket of goods. (100 X price of market basket in the current year/price of the market basket of the base year)

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