Sunday, February 12, 2017


how to calculate GDP: 

  • expenditure approach: C+IG+G+XN
  • income approach: W(wages. compensation of employees. salary) + R(rents) + I(income)  + P(profit) + S(statistical adjustments) 

  • exports - imports
  • if the difference is negative, then it is a deficit. 
  • if the difference is positive, then it is a surplus.
Image result for confused face
  • government purchases  + government transfer payments - government tax & fee collection
  • if the answer is positive then it is a deficit
  • if the answer is negative then it is a deficit  
national income: 
  • compensation of employees + rental income + interest income + proprietors income +  corporate profits 
  • GDP - indirect business taxes - depreciation - net foreign factor payment 
disposable personal income:
  • national income - personal household taxes + government transfer payment 
net domestic product: 
  • GDP - depreciation
net national product:
  • GNP - depreciation

  • GDP + net foreign factor payment

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