Monday, April 10, 2017

UNIT 4- 3/31/17


  • Tools of monetary policy and three shifters of money supply:
  • The Fed adjusting the supply by changing any one of the following:
    • Setting reserve requirements
    • Lending money to banks and thrifts (discount rate)
    • Open market operations (buying and selling bonds)
  • The reserve requirements
    • The Fed sets the amount the banks must hold
    • The RRR is the percent of deposits that the banks must hold in reserves
    • Bank deposits – when someone, public or private, deposits money in the bank
    • There is a recession what should the FED do to the reserve requirement? It should decrease the reserve ratio
    • If there is inflammation, increase RR
  • Open market operation
    • When the Fed buys or sells government bonds
    • Most important and widely used monetary policy
    • If the Fed buys bonds it takes bonds out of the economy and replaces them with money
    • If the Fed sells bonds it takes money and gives the security to the investor
    • To increase money supply the fed should buy government securities
    • To decrease money supply the fed should sell government securities
  • The discount rate:
  • The interest rate that the Fed charges commercial banks for short term loans
  • The DR is generally not used by the Fed to effect monetary policy. This is not the rate you hear about in the news
monetary policy:                    expansionary policy         contractionary policy
open market operation:                buy bonds                          sell bonds
reserve requirement:                    decrease                            increase
discount rate:                              decrease                            increase

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