Monday, April 10, 2017

UNIT 4- 3/21/17


  • Purpose of financial institutions:
    • Store $$$
    • Save $$$
      • Savings account
      • Checking account
      • CD
      • Money market account
    • Loan $$$
      • House
      • Car
      • Business
  • Principal-amount of money that you borrow
  • Interest – price paid for use of borrowed money
  • Types of financial intermediaries:
    • Commercial bank
    • Credit unions
    • Savings and loans institutions
    • Mutual fund companies
    • Finance companies
  • Assets- anything of monetary value owned by a person/business. What you OWN. There are two types:
    • Physical- claim on a tangible object
    • Financial- paper claim that entitles the buyer to future income from the seller
  • Liability- A requirement to pay money in the future (usually with interest). What you OWE.
  • If you go to the bank and take out a loan, the bank has created a financial asset, you have created a liability.
  • There are five major financial assets
    • Loans
    • Stocks
    • Bonds
    • Loan-backed securities
    • Bank deposits
  • The time value of money – a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow, you are losing money every second you are not investing it.
  • Future value – if you invest or lend money to someone, it will compound according to the following equation:
    • FV=PV(1+i)^t
  • Present value – is the amount of money I need to invest now in order to get some amount in the future:
    • PV=FV/(1+i)^N
  • Simple interest formula:
    • V=(1+r)^n *p
  • Compound interest rate:
    • V=(1+r/k)^NK *p
  • Variables:
    • V= future value of money
    • P= present value of money
    • R= real interest rate
    • N= years
    • K= number of times interest is credited per year

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