Monday, March 6, 2017

determinants of SRAS

Determinants of the SRAS:

Image result for sras

  • Input prices
    • Domestic resource prices
      • Wages (75%)
      • Cost of capital
      • Raw material
    • Foreign resource prices
      • Strong $ = lower price
      • Weak $ = higher price
    • Market price
      • Monopolies and cartels that control resources control the price of those resources
      • Increase in resource prices cause SRAS to go left
      • Decrease in resource prices cause SRAS to go right
  • Productivity
    • Total input/total output
    • More productivity = lower unit production cost causes SRAS to go right
    • Lower productivity = higher unit production cost causes SRAS to go left
  • Legal institutional environment
    • Taxes and subsidies
      • Taxes ($ to gov’t) on business increase per unit production cost causes SRAS to go left)
      • Subsidies ($ from gov’t) to business reduce Per unit production cost causes SRAS to go right
    • Government regulation
      • Everment regulation creates a cost of compliance. Causes SRAS to go left
      • Deregulation reduces complains cost. Causes SRAS to go right

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