Thursday, May 18, 2017

unit 5 4/19/17


  • Inverse relationship between installation and unemployment. There is a trade off.
  • Each point on the Phillips curve corresponds to a different level of output.
  • Long run Phillips curve: occurs at the natural rate of unemployment. It is represented by a vertical line. There is no trade off between unemployment and inflation because the economy produces at the full employment level. will only shift if LRAS shifts

Image result for long run phillips curve

  • natural rate of unemployment = seasonal, sectional, and structural unemployment.
  • Increase in Un will s
  • hift LRPC right.
  • Decrease in Un will shift the LRPC left.

  • Since wages are sticky, inflation changes moves the points on the SRPC.
  • If inflation persists, and the expected rate of inflation rises, then the entire SRPC moves upward.
  • Stagflation – unemployment and inflation simultaneously rise.
  • Supply socks – Rapid and significant increases in resource cost.
  • If inflation expectations dropped due to new technology or efficiency, then the SRPC will move downward.
  • Misery index - combination of inflation and unemployment in any given year.
  • Single digit Misery is good

Image result for short run phillips curve

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